“I never get enough done.” “I should be doing more.”

“It’s hard to focus.” “I’m spread way too thin.”

“I’m so fried.” “I’m always procrastinating.”

“Everything takes so much longer than it should.” 

“I’m way too busy.” “I never have enough time.”

Those are some of the most common statements I hear from clients during our initial session.

Sound familiar?

I’d love you help you experience huge relief.

If you’d like to work with me 1:1, I offer a 5-session coaching package.


Many clients report major improvements after the first session, alone. And, many clients tell me it’s the best investment they’ve ever made.

After 5 sessions, you’ll walk away with:

  •  A new perspective on work, your goals, and what really matters to you.
  • A clear definition of what “success” means to you, so you can have the kind of life you truly want, rather than sprinting on somebody else’s hamster wheel.
  • Lower stress levels, deeper sleep, better health, less anxiety and overwhelm, and the joy of getting epic things done in less time.
  • Greater peace of mind; falling asleep at night feeling like, “Today was a great day, and I’ve done enough.”

You can be wildly successful without stressing or burning yourself out. I can help.


5 coaching sessions. Each session is one hour long. We meet on Zoom, or on the phone.

I include follow-up notes after each session, and I bring you the best of my time and stress management expertise, intuition, compassion, and support.


If you’re interested in hiring me for 1:1 coaching, please contact us. Thank you!